Prayer requests for the summer

Prayer requests for this summer

(Titus 3:5 AMP) He saved us, not because of any works of righteousness that we have done, but because of His own compassion and mercy…

Thank you for joining us in prayer and support for the positive changes we seek in our community. We wish for our Upper Room Mission guests to experience transformation, healing, and relief, uplifted by the power of God’s compassion and love for them. Thank you for being part of this journey and praying with us.

During the Spring of this year, we witness transformation all around us. Flowers and trees begin to bloom, and the grass turns from brown to vibrant green. The Okanagan Valley is flourishing. Yet, many of those we serve daily, particularly the homeless and marginalized, remain in a state of struggle, facing the challenges of addiction, mental health crises, and other hardships. As Paul reminds us in the above verse, renewal and healing come through love, compassion, and mercy, offering hope and transformation for those in need.

Prayer Points

  1. Our guests experience a profound sense of God’s love and connection, leading them to positive change.
  2. Our guests find the motivation and inspiration to pursue transformation and seek support on their journey to improvement.
  3. For funding to be made available to hire a full-time case manager to work with our guests in their journey to better health and well-being.
  4. Our staff and volunteers remain strong, hopeful, and equipped to offer our guests God’s compassion, love and care for them.

Pray With Us

Father God, we recognize that only You can change and transform lives! You have opened a path for everyone to experience renewal and new life. Touch the hearts and minds of our guests, inspiring them to seek positive change in their lives. We love and thank you, in Jesus’ name. Amen.


  • Mandy
    10 August 2024

    I had no idea that this prayer group even existed. The Upper Room Mission Boutique has supported my family, and I have supported them. My youngest son – at 7 years old – was overheard explaining to a friend that we didn’t BUY clothes, we RENTED them! Bless you for allowing me to contribute to your efforts, by praying with you from here.


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