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A Movie Night To Bring People In From The Cold

You could help provide a safe, warm place for people experiencing homelessness to sleep on a cold winter’s night by joining us at The Vernon Towne Theater for a movie night! 

In a recent study, 224 people had no place to live in Vernon, BC. This was an increase of 33% from the 2019 homeless statistics of 151 people. Not everyone that is homeless lives unsheltered lives. Some have a place to sleep in our Amalgamated Shelter, live in motels, or couch surf with friends and family. According to the study, 54 people live unsheltered lives meaning that 54 people live rough on the streets and in our parks in Vernon with no place to call home. 

According to the survey,

67% of unsheltered people live outside

13% of unsheltered people live in a makeshift shelter or tent

11% of unsheltered people live in their vehicle

This study captures a moment in time in Vernon’s homeless community. These numbers are changing and growing, with fewer affordable housing options in our city. Not only this but according to Environment Canada, over 80 people die from cold exposure every year in Canada. A housing crisis coupled with an opioid crisis and the cold Canadian winters (even in the Okanagan) has created a big problem. People are dying; young people are dying and losing their limbs due to frostbite

But we can do something about this! We can come together and help bring our most vulnerable neighbours In From The Cold. 

Please join us on July 13th at 6:30 pm at the Vernon Towne Theater for a Thankful Thursday Night

Once a month, Watkin Motors Ford and The Vernon Towne Theatre will donate 100% of the proceeds of ticket sales to a local community group. This month, the ticket proceeds will go to our Winter 2023 Mat Program to bring people In From The Cold!

Doors open at 6 pm, Presentation at 6:30, and the Film starts at 6:45 pm.

The Movie we are showing is “The Public.” The Public is about downtown Cincinnati librarians Stuart Goodson (Emilio Estevez) and Myra (Jena Malone), who see their regular winter day shaken up when homeless patrons take shelter in their library for the night to escape the cold. What starts as a peaceful sit-in quickly escalates into a face-off with the police and the media.

Grab a friend and buy your tickets today! 

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