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Homelessness in Vernon, BC

Most of us know what homelessness is and what it looks like. According to the Homeless Hub, homelessness is “the situation of an individual, family, or community without stable, safe, permanent, appropriate housing, or the immediate prospect means and ability of acquiring it.”

Raising the Roof, a national charity dedicated to finding long-term solutions to homelessness, defines it simply as “the absence of a place to live.”

In a recent study, 224 people had no place to live in Vernon, BC. This was an increase of 33% from the 2019 homeless statistics of 151 people. Not everyone that is homeless lives unsheltered lives. Some have a place to sleep in our Amalgamated Shelter, live in motels, or couch serves with friends and family. According to the study, 54 people live unsheltered lives. This means that 54 people live rough on the streets and in our parks in Vernon with no place to call home. 

67% of unsheltered people live outside
13% of unsheltered people live in a makeshift shelter or tent
11% of unsheltered people live in their vehicle

This study captures a moment in time in Vernon’s homeless community. These numbers are changing and growing, with less affordable housing options available in our city. 

Here are some other statistics the study provided.

9% of the homeless population are youth under the age of 25.
81% of the homeless population are adults up to the age of 54.
11% of the homeless population are seniors starting at the age of 55.
64% of the homeless population is male.
33% of the homeless population is female.
3% of the homeless population identifies as non-binary.
40% of the homeless population identifies as indigenous.

It is important to note that people transition in and out of homelessness throughout the year. The numbers will fluctuate. 

At the Upper Room Mission, we see 70-100 people daily. They come for food, use our washrooms, take a shower, do their laundry, or get new clothing and other essential things they might need, like a toothbrush or toothpaste.

Will you lend us a hand in 2022?

This vital support means we can continue to provide essential services to people in need in Vernon, BC. We do not receive local or provincial government funding for our work and rely on generous donations from the public. However big or small, every contribution powers our future and directly supports people in need. Donate now.

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  • Robin
    4 September 2024

    For sure the Mission is helping by feeding those in need,but the place also attracts the unwanted and by that I mean the Shady types that prey on the weakest of individuals and the reason why I know this is because in the past I have talked with a few girls privately in the past and they literally have shared some things with me,but that’s all I will say on that subject


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